For centuries, the Orkney Islands in northern Scotland have been famed for curing herring. Using a closely-guarded family recipe which ensures that Orkney Sweet Cured Herring is unique in taste, texture and appearance, the Orkney Herring Company continues that tradition to this day. From the fishing grounds in the cool, clean waters to the east of Orkney, only the best herring are selected.

Recently, the Orkney Herring Company has also expanded its product range to include a variety of salmon products. Oil-rich fish such as herring and salmon are high in long chain omega-3 polyunsaturates (also known as omega-3 fatty acids), which have been shown to help in maintaining a healthy heart. Orkney Herring is also high in protein and essential vitamins and minerals, with no artificial colouring or flavouring, and no skin or bones.

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