Squab, or young pigeon, has been bred for food dating back to early Asian and Arabic cultures. Squab is high on the list of delicacies enjoyed by ancient Emperors, Kings, Pharaohs, and Medieval Royalty. King Cal carries on these culinary traditions established long ago throughout Europe, the Far East, the Middle East and virtually every corner of the world. Often said to be the "meat of Kings", Squab today retains its rightful position on the menus of finer dining establishments everywhere.

Squab Producers of California is a unique agricultural cooperative located in Modesto, California. Formed in early 1943, the association of more than 90 small independent farmers has worked together for more than sixty years to provide Squabs to a wide variety of customers worldwide. Sub Zero Imports is proud to be their Canadian importer.

When you demand unsurpassed premium poultry, look to King Cal squabs.

Visit www.squab.com for more information!